Friday, May 13, 2022

What's for Dinner?


The night before a meet there are several important things to consider, packing supplies, resting, and being mentally prepared. But the most important question I face as a Mom is usually, "What's for dinner?" as a Mom you really have to answer, you can't look back and say, shoot, I dunno, what is for dinner? We usually do a shrimp or chicken alfredo- and someday I'll make a video about my secret recipe....... someday. The above pic is from google, mine never looks like that tbh....

 But I wondered, what does everyone else eat?  I thought I would ask a couple of the flyers coaches, team Moms and even some National groups.... and here are the answers I got.

Coach Spencer: "Pasta"

Coach Frank: "Pasta! Anything high carb, low fat, light proteins work great! Most importantly hydrate, HYDRATE! Water is the key to sweating through a hot day at the track, especially when competing. Moms, Dads lil ones and even coaches and officials should be getting as much water in their systems as possible. Energy drinks can have high levels of caffeine, potassium, calcium, sugars and even sodium that can literally wreck your electrolyte levels and could potentially have effects on muscle contractions within the body, even the heart"

Coach Nancy: "Carb and Veggies are always good. Nothing too heavy like fried foods, Lots of water today!"

Coach Pal: "For most track events lean meat like chicken or turkey, vegetables and starch. Limit fried foods, not spicy. Long distance favorite is meat and pasta. Don't over eat"

Team Mom Tralynza: "Carbs and watermelon, for hydration. My son eats watermelon throughout the weel to help keep hydrated as well, specifically chicken alfredo with very little chicken or just the pasta and sauce"

Coach Troy H.: "Grilled Chicken, rice and vegetables"

Coach Mary Jo- "Definitely Pasta! Chicken Alfredo or Spaghetti are my girl's favorites"

Coach Keith- "Chicken Pasta, or fish and rice pilaf... but drink two glasses of water the night before a meet"

People from the "National and International Youth Track and Field" group on facebook (shout out!)

Chavun Chadwick- "Chicken alfredo or something pasta based.... learned from our team coaches"

Dub Williams- "Bourbon marinated Salmon and mac & cheese... my lil dudes favorite" 

Wallace Hudson- "Chicken Pasta at all times"

With so many people saying pasta and carbs, I had to ask "why craig?!" and I went to google. 

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What's for Dinner?

  The night before a meet there are several important things to consider, packing supplies, resting, and being mentally prepared. But the mo...